Sep 20, 2012

“My seven year-old Dylan was experiencing significant anxiety and was refusing to go to school, among other things. I found your program online and now life is better for the whole family. The program was what we needed.”

Kelly Fletcher

Click Below to Watch a Short Video and Learn More About the Award Winning Anxiety-Free Child Program:

From: Rich Presta and Dr. Cheryl Lane
Authors of the Anxiety Free Child Program
You can help your child overcome their anxiety, worries, and fears.
By ending your child’s battle with anxiety, their whole life can move quickly in a much more positive direction and change for the better. In the next few minutes, you’re going to learn how you can help your child feel more confident, secure in their own body and mind, and most of all, happy again by discovering how they can shatter the anxiety, nerves, and fear that may be holding them back.

Untreated anxiety can devastate the life of your child…

I’m a parent too, and I know there’s nothing worse than to see your child suffering with anxiety and feeling powerless to help them. Anxiety can rob your child of the life they deserve and were meant to have – one filled with joy, laughter, and fun. Left untreated, your child’s anxiety can lead to problems for them at school, with friends, with their self-esteem, and with their health. Said simply, it can steal their childhood.
Without help, children with anxiety often endure severe social problems, have poor school performance, physical illnesses, or depression. Their anxiety can continue to grow to the point where they seem to be constantly worried or fearful – not having fun like children should be having. Children who struggle with anxiety are much more prone to becoming anxious adults that may struggle their whole lives with fear. As a matter of fact, research has shown that up to 90% of adults with anxiety disorders battled anxiety as a child. Problem anxiety can also predispose your child to other mental health problems and dangerous behaviors such as cutting, drug and alcohol abuse, or even suicide.
The good news is that your child doesn’t have to suffer needlessly with anxiety any longer…

Does your child have a problem with anxiety?

Take a look at some common symptoms your child may be experiencing if they’re having a problem with their anxiety:
  • Unexplained physical symptoms such as headaches and stomachaches.
  • Being nervous, jittery, and hypersensitive.
  • Decreased school performance or a lack of concentration.
  • Avoidance of social activities or not wanting to spend as much time with friends.
  • Tics, nervous habits, or compulsive behavior such as nail biting or hair pulling.
  • Dangerous behaviors such as cutting or drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Excessive moodiness or outbursts of anger.
  • Persistent worry that seems unjustified for the situation.
  • Sleep changes or activity level changes.
  • School avoidance or refusal.
  • Being unusually or overly self-critical.
  • A high need for reassurance.
  • Outbursts of anger or oppositional behavior, even though you know in your heart they’re a good kid, they just have all this anxious energy coming out all wrong.

If you find yourself recognizing some of the symptoms above, you owe it yourself and your child to keep reading to find out what gets your child anxious and keeps them that way…

What caused your child’s anxiety?

Maybe there’s a reason for your child’s anxiety that you can clearly identify like an illness or death in the family, divorce, arrival of a new sibling, or a move, but often, there’s NOTHING for you to point a finger at and you’re left wondering why they’re struggling with anxiety!
Is it genetics? Does their DNA doom them to life of anxiety and fear?
Is it the way someone in their life handles anxiety and what they may have accidentally taught your child about handling their emotions?
Is it the lifestyle your family leads? The world seems to move so fast lately because everyone has so much piled on their plate, and don’t even get me started on the economy…
Difficulties with anxiety in children is VERY common, research has shown that as many as one in ten children experience an anxiety disorder. The important thing for you to remember is that no matter the reason for your child’s anxiety, it’s NOT YOUR FAULT.
Genetics may play a role and predispose certain children to problems with anxiety, and maybe looking back there’s things you would have done differently (just like all parents, myself included). But the problem your child is having with their anxiety is NOT a reflection on you or your parenting, and most importantly, it doesn’t have to be permanent. You CAN do something about it. YOU have the power and ability to help your child change their life.

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